
Product features:

※ up drawer four-stage design, convenient and easy to operate

※ side display structure design, high-end and easy to identify
※ intelligent filter element replacement reminder, safer and more worry free
※ 1:1 ultra-low wastewater ratio, energy saving and  more worry saving
※ self priming concealed top cover, easy dust prevention

※ 10 inch standard filter element, high efficiency and  more energy saving

Product parameters:

Capacity50-600GPD ( 50-600 gallons per day)
Flush type: Automatic flush
Power supply 220V50HZ , or 110V/60HZ
RO Membrane:  Vontron , JCM ,CSM, FILMTEC 
Housing : Double O ring housing
Pump  :  Grand Forest Brand
Fitting:   Quick fitting or Jaco fitting 
RO Faucet : D-01 faucet ( plastic handle faucet)

Unit packing45*16*43.7cm

Filter  configuration

Filtration Stage ITEM Function Service life
1st PP-10A PP fiber filtration wipes off impurities, algae, silt, sediment 2-3 months
2nd GAC-10A GAC filtration wipes off residual chlorine, THM's, unpleasant smell, pesticides, chemical poisons 3-6 months
3rd RO RO membrane,remove the micro impurities,colloid,metal,bacterials and so on,only
left the water molecule and dissolved oxygen,output water is purity water
12-24 months
4th GAC-10A Post active carbon,improve the PH,avoid the second contamination
Mineral ball filter, add mineral material in the pure water, more healthy.
10-12 months
